Thursday 24 November 2011

Piper and her best friend Olive

sitting merry go round

Piper and Olive 

At Olive's brother Benicio's birthday

The School Fair

Unfortunately  I was too busy at the fair to take many photos
the parent craft groups creations

trying out archery
he was quite good

Guys Fawkes

 Every year the Breaker Bay community hold a Guy Fawkes party with burning guys and fireworks

Athea's Guy


Luca is the grim reaper and Piper is a dragon

Luca's pumpkin

Piper's pumpkin


Reaper versus Zombie

versus werewolf

Piper and Nela

lots of Piper pictures

in the kitchen

making pasta with the juicer
drying on the clothes dryer

pizza party

the pointiest banana bread ever

yellow dye for the fair

Lots of Betty

they seem to enjoy eachother

she loves to sleep on people

Luca is proud to have passed puppy kindergarten

Piper's dancing

She loves her dance class, second only to swim class in favourite activities.